quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2008

Diamonds from a software source

I am going to post here so diamond that I have found in my short life as a programmer.
Some of them I will need to translate to english, but you will get the idea!

private void InicializaMenu() {
TelaAtual = "3";
lnkDadosCliente.Enabled = true;
lnkDadosRisco.Enabled = true;
lnkSelecaoPlano.Enabled = true;
if (TelaAtual == "4") {
lnkTermoAdesao.Enabled = true;

Can you tell me the reason for the IF? It is a production code!

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

You might like starting posting this kind of things to http://thedailywtf.com :)