segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010

Is my browser compatible?

Well this kind of question is quite common (unless you don't care at all about the subject). There is a lot of methods to check if the browser is compatible or not and for sure none of them replace the testing approach (test in all the browsers that you want to support).

The Browserscope project could help a little bit in this manner: it has a set of testing to check the compatibility of the browsers against the standards and they have the reports for the common browsers, so you can have an idea if the resource is supported or not. They divide the tests in 6 groups: Security, Rich Text, Selectors API, Network, Acid3 and JSKB; and you can even run the tests online in your current browser.

Absolutely it doesn't answer the question: "Is it going to work in all the supported browsers?", but it could give you a hint about things that for sure are not going to work.

We all know that the browser compatibility is a problem without a near solution so we must carry on with it (and keep testing), let's do it listening Carry On, from the Brazilian band Angra.

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