domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

x86 emulator in Java!

At this moment I couldn't imagine any real application for it, but it doesn't matter: it is fun!
The JPC is a x86 emulator and the team was able to run DOS and Linux in a applet, completly open source it is a great knowledge source.
Take a look on their page, try it playing Lemings or other nice game: The JPC Project: Computer virtualization in Java.

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

Getting started with Spring MVC

If you are looking for a tutorial to let you have a first contact with the Spring MVC take a look on this post from Jeroen van Wilgenburg: Getting started with Spring-web-mvc and the Spring IDE-plugin – creating a simple web application.

quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2008

Simplified DAO with Spring and Hibernate

I know that it is nothing new for the Spring and Hibernate developers, but it is a good entry point for those frameworks or even better, what you can get from them.
Take a look on this article from Unruly Rambling: Spring and Hibernate, Simplify the DAO layer and this one from ONJava: Persistence in Spring.

terça-feira, 5 de agosto de 2008

Library for GUI programming

If you are involved with GUI programming you should take a look on this framework: Fuse.
Fuse is a lightweight resource injection library specifically designed for GUI programming.
Also take a look on this JavaLobby article: Easier Custom Components with Swing Fuse.

segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2008

Console application

Well, this post is absolutely not for Linux users. I know that the users of all the systems based on the Unix had good options for console applications, but and the poor Windows users? Are they dammed forever?
In fact not, it is always an option to install Cygwin and be happy, but a option not that heavy (and for sure not complete) is the Console:
Console is a Windows console window enhancement. Console features include: multiple tabs, text editor-like text selection, different background types, alpha and color-key transparency, configurable font, different window styles.
It doesn't have a set of applications or something like that, but it provide a console with some nice functions like always on top or different configuration files.
Take a look, it could be usefull for you.

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

Open Unified Process

Probably everyone have listened about Unified Process and all the variant process related to that. The OpenUP is also something based on the Unified Process:
What is OpenUP?
OpenUP is a lean Unified Process that applies iterative and incremental approaches within a structured lifecycle. OpenUP embraces a pragmatic, agile philosophy that focuses on the collaborative nature of software development. It is a tools-agnostic, low-ceremony process that can be extended to address a broad variety of project types
Take a look on this documentation, it can be a reference for you: OpenUP

Want to build a successful web app? Then it's time to Get Real.

It is the title of a online book. Reading about that it looks a little bit extreme, but you should always take the ideas, digest it and make it worth for you.
Getting Real: The smarter, faster, easier way to build a successful web application.

Does your software provide a help?

It doesn't matter if it is online, offline, command line, what-ever-line: your software should provide a help to the user.
There is a specific software engineering discipline to that (I will provide some links after), but you can start with some implementations for a help into your application: JavaHelp System.

I know that it is nothing new, but it if you don't know that you should take a look. It can give you some ideas.

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008

TopLink open source?

I have been outside of this world for 2 months, but now I am back.
And reading old news I saw this one: TopLink Makes Transition to Open Source. Yes that is true toplink guys, it is going to a open source project and it is reference for some new technologies.
If you are a old toplink fan or you are interested in new standards take a look on that, it is worthwhile.